~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

Never Forget

Poem 805 - Never Forget
© on 9.11.2023

~Never Forget~

There is something about an attack on our own soil
That everyone is always on an uproar about
But let us just remember the attack on the Twin Towers or a moment.

Two Rogue Hijacked Airplanes with 19 terrorists
Took down the Two Twin Towers that had stood in

This Tragic event of twisted malicious acts against
The United States by the Islamics extremists
Took many lives of many families of our once great nation.

This event caused enormous destruction on the two buildings
And also took the lives of so many back in September of 2001.
The lives consisted of almost three thousand people in New York
By itself let alone the additional hijacked planes that had affected
184 lives at the Pentagon and even the lives of 40 passengers trying to take back the plane.
This doesn't even include the 400 lives of police officers and firefighters
Who gave their lives to save the lives of many who had survived the terrible crash.

I normally don't write about history for that is what the history books are for
However, this event is different for the States because we lost so many this day.

Even though I was directly not impacted with my family but my heart and soul goes out
To everyone who had been impacted and affected to this very day.
Even though I was a young child back then I did lose someone close to me before this
But a loss is a loss regardless how it happens rather it was
Natural causes or by being taken too soon by people that chose the wrong path.

Loss at any cost is hard to swallow and hard to deal with.
May we remember this day over 22 years ago
Not to remember the attack done and hold bitterness
But to remember those we lost and how our country came together for those families.
My Heart goes out to all of you.

Fall Poetess,
Arielle Ferguson

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Never Forget

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